To 0 people on Earth, a glass of clean water is a dream.
To make that dream a reality, we're on a mission: Mission 2030 to achieve UN Target 6.1, providing access to clean drinking water to every community. And it begins with adding 1,000,000 voices to our cause.
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UN Target 6.1 is part of 17 Sustainable Development Goals for the peace and prosperity of people and the planet with a mission to:
Water scarcity damages the lives of millions in many different ways.

Water-related diseases
Half of the world's hospital beds are filled with people suffering from water-related diseases.

Women sacrificing education
Women and children fetch water for their families instead of going to school or work.

Economical loss
$260 billion is lost globally each year due to lack of safe water and sanitation.

Professor Hans Rosling explains the connection between poverty (and water poverty) and overpopulation, and how we can break this vicious cycle.
Water connects everything
Our diverse team of specialists
At Essential Need, our Mission 2030 team is one of volunteers and experts across diverse fields, working together to achieve Target 6.1.
Visit team page
We are registered as a Charity in Australia

We save lives
Doctors, nurses and humanitarians

We study and educate
Teachers, school principals, sociologists

We lead and inspire
Politicians, directors and CEO's, managers

We consult and advise
Lawyers and judges

We spread the word
Target 6.1 and UN SDG educators, partnership developers, copywriters

We develop systems
Software Architects

We deliver water to people
Geologists, engineers, builders
The current approach doesn’t work
Broken facilities rely on a dependant, unsustainable approach. Here’s a model that explains how it happens.
Together with our friends at Fair Action International, we've adopted a new approach to achieving Target 6.1.
We build water kiosks, monitor water usage and make water available to the community at extremely affordable prices, instead of offering it for free.
The funds help us maintain the water kiosks so the community always has access to water. This helps break the cycle of unsustainability that leads to water poverty.

Functioning kiosk in Ibadan, Nigeria

Water sales generate funds for maintenance
Surplus is reinvested into new water kiosks
A global petition to champion our cause
Our three-step strategy:
The more voices we gather, the more funds we can raise from developed countries towards international aid for Target 6.1.
A successful approach as demonstrated by other countries and causes.

Global citizens took over 70,000 actions to help provide clean water for 80 million people.

Sweden commits to improving water and sanitisation for 60 million people by 2030.
publicationMeet our Ambassadors

The more voices we add, the more sustainable water projects we can bring to life.
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